Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is both a medical and social issue. Despite not being a life-threatening condition in itself, it needs to be understood and dealt with properly. Why? Because in most cases, it may be a sign pointing out another health disturbance. As for the social aspect, it can (for very obvious reasons) have a negative impact on the individual’s relationships, especially the most intimate ones.
Now let’s try to comprehend the phenomenon a little better.
If you are wondering about what causes bad breath, there may be several factors to track down:
Smoking also causes dental staining. Don’t forget to take a look at our Teeth Whitening treatment for healthy-looking teeth.
First of all, let us insist on the importance of medical consultation. Instead of trying to deal with the matter on your own via folk remedies, see what your health professional has to say. They are the only ones who can accurately show you how to fix bad breath and/or prevent it.
Bad breath treatment can include:
Besides bad breath, an unhealthy smile can also have a negative impact on your social life. You may consider trying our Hollywood Smile treatment for a healthy smile.
How to get rid of bad breath?
We strongly recommend a medical consultation before you take any measures. Afterward and depending on your personal situation, you may need to change your oral hygiene routine and diet. Your case may also require specific treatment. Last but not least, regular dental care provides also excellent prevention in most cases.
How do you know if your bad breath is serious?
Well, the reactions coming from people around/close to you might be a clue. However and once again, nothing would replace medical/dental consultation when it comes to determining the level of severity regarding your breath issues.
Can bad breath come from the stomach?
Yes, it can. It’s even the primary cause in many cases. One example is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which points to an excess acid produced in the digestive tract. Some kinds of ulcers can also manifest themselves with bad breath.